Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What are your dreams and goals for your book

My dream for the MarilynAshleyBookOfHorrors (which will probably change depending on the agent.) is for it to be world known and me my book is mini horror stories like tales from the crypt and darkside and goosebumps I want my book to go far I have a lot of creative ideas after that I want a tv show of some of the stories just like some of the tv shows I mentioned above.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Self Publishing VS Agent


  When self publishing you are free to do whatever you please you design your own book, and write however you want to write in your book. self publishing is something you want to do if you are distributing your book between friends, family or a smaller group of people or if you just want something on your own shelf at home. only some sites offer more (which I will list below) when getting an agent, it can be real hard some will reject you or even all until finding the one. its like your the feather in the needle stack not knowing when or who is going to see if your worth the time. but, do not get discourage ambition and determination will get you far a lot of famous authors, models, actors, got rejected a thousand times before one person believed in their talents.
  I wanted to self publish at first not knowing the details behind self publishing some sites helped me determined that it is not the route for me I want to be world known. remember to send your manuscript to an agent of your particular genre they will either love your work or feel that your work is not right for them; do not take it personal.

Best  Self-Publishing sites (my opinion)

When to Write

It does not matter when to begin writing. you do it when you feel that you have something solid in your hands. writing a book is very tedious and time consuming, you have to be dedicated to your book for however the time limit is set for. think of it as a relationship all your time is into your spouse and making it work best for you and your needs. our lives is a story which you decide what happens in the next chapter of your life.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Challenges I Faced When Writing

                                       Challenges I Faced When Writing
When writing a story we tend to not finish, get lazy or skip ahead and i am infamous with the these mostly jumping from one story to another that is because new ideas always pop in my head every night, minute or in class whether it is a new name, scenario, plot, character etc.. i have to write them down immediately so, i will not forget i would start new stories but i always go back and finish previous storied i had written. i would just get so deep in one story then suddenly the most amazing new story then start flowing in.
 I also have writers no sleep syndrome. lol (i made that up) because i do not sleep. i would be thinking of new stories or daydream scenarios and get only two hours of sleep I'm literally a vampire awake at night sleep during the day (mostly daydream). as a kid it was much worst i had extreme dark circles which was horrible for me.
 some other problems i would say is procrastination because i tend to set a time to actually finish something then get lazy and put it off for the next day or next weekend. for example i would say type up five pages per day then just only do one and get real lazy and say to myself i will take a break and we all know that its going to be a very long vacation so, that is a minor problem of mine.


About Me  

When I began writing I was in the 5th grade as a joke. I wrote a story called the garden of evil i was about a haunted house and had bad things happen there especially in the garden there also was a cemetery nearby that was the cause of the strange occurrences. it was good but then again a joke nothing serious.
  I always had a thing for horror, mystery, suspense, thriller, movies. Once i reached middle school i truly began writing but i was only poetry i had a passion for poems they were about my life and others that had an impact in my life. I wrote one poetry for my class paper in middle school my teacher loved it so much and entered my paper in one contest and I was approved to get an award and read my paper in front of a group of people I did not attend because of nerves but still was mailed my certificate award.
   When I went to college at New York career Institute that is when I hit home run. My English professor Mr.M told us to write a final paper it took place in a century we had to describe what the food was like and how the people dressed, act and talked like. I thought it was stupid but then; I turned the scenario into something I was fond of HORROR. So I decided to write about Jack The Ripper with more detail it would be his story to tell. My mind began to come up with so many scenarios and details I was on a rampage. I was writing in my psychology class and I let my professor Ms. Ortega read it and you know what She LOVED IT! she was so excited and wanted more. One of my classmates also enjoyed my story and wanted me to show her the finished results. I handed the ending to my professor and he gave me a B+ because it lacked emotion so he said i felt it deserved an A+ but everyone would think that there paper deserved such high standards because they wrote it.
 After that i was like "Hey!, I like horror, Write a book" and here i am sharing my journey with you.